Share The American Countryside

We’ve been pretty busy lately trying to bring you The American Countryside however you want it, whenever you want it, and wherever you want it. That means more frequent updates to our website, longer shows in the form of our Scenic Route podcast, and a ramped-up presence on social networks. Our interviews with JFK assassination witness James Tague on the home page all this week are just one example of the cool stuff we have going on.

If you want to keep up with what we have going on, there are lots of ways to do it.

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You can also subscribe to our Scenic Route podcast in iTunes to hear longer versions of the interviews on the radio show.

And finally, it would help us out if you could tell your friends about our show. Just click the “Share” button at the bottom of the post to share The American Countryside with your own friends on Facebook. We’d appreciate it very much!

Author: andrew