Category: Arizona
Looking For Used Parts Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.0KB)If you were looking for some used parts to repair your car, you might go to a scrapyard to find…
The San Marcos Hotel and Resort Download (Duration: 3:00 — 1.4MB)Phoenix, Arizona has plenty of golf resorts that attract thousands of visitors, but ask someone who established the first course…
The Karate Kid Download (Duration: 2:30 — 1.1MB)It’s not often you get to visit with someone who’s won multiple national titles in anything. Now add in the…
Learning to Ride A… Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)Many of us remember the struggle of learning to ride a bike as a kid. Eventually we mastered it, and…
A Lettuce Tour Ticket Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)What’s the hottest ticket in the nation? There might be some music stars and sporting events near the top of…
Agriculture in Yuma, Arizona Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)This county enjoys the longest growing season in the country and it supplies most of the winter vegetables you’ll find…
Oceanfront Property in Arizona Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)George Strait once sang that he had some oceanfront property in Arizona and if you’d buy that he’d throw the…
A Ferry Crossing in the Desert Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)Before bridges crossed rivers, communities often relied upon ferries to carry people and supplies. In some cases, those ferry operators…
An Oasis in the Desert Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)Yuma, Arizona is in the Sonora dessert. The annual average rainfall is about three inches per year. So it is…
Undercover at the Sale Barn Download (Duration: 2:00 — 940.2KB)Imagine a place of espionage where secret agents carry modified briefcases with hidden cameras capturing images from their reconnaissance missions….
An Arizona Pheasant Farm Download (Duration: 2:00 — 939.4KB)Most people don’t go pheasant hunting in Phoenix, AZ. But if you to come to Molly’s farm, you will perhaps…
Casa Grande Download (Duration: 2:01 — 942.9KB)Today skyscrapers in Phoenix tower above the city below. Roll back the clock six hundred years and it was this…
Young, Arizona Download (Duration: 2:01 — 944.9KB)It’s just a small town of about 500 people. You’ve driven through bunches of them. But you probably have not…
Buckeye, Arizona Download (Duration: 2:00 — 939.8KB)The city of Buckeye, Arizona was a small farming community for much of its life. That’s not so today. The…
Charles Poston’s Butte Download (Duration: 2:01 — 942.9KB)On the north edge of Florence, AZ you’ll find a small outcropping once known as Primrose Hill. Today there is…
Skydiving to Food Download (Duration: 2:01 — 943.3KB)If you have trouble finding the Lucky Nickel Ranch, just look up. Wherever you see the skydivers floating to the…
Making a Living on 40 Acres Download (Duration: 2:00 — 940.8KB)Some people might say you can’t make a living on a forty acre farm. Michael McKenzie is out to prove…
The Lucky Nickel Ranch Download (Duration: 2:02 — 952.0KB)California produce growers rely heavily on hand labor to tend their crops. For Michael McKenzie, that labor has come from…
A Florence, Arizona Prison Download (Duration: 2:02 — 954.1KB)Arizona did not become a state until 1912, so for several decades of it’s existence, it had a territorial prison…
Yuma Prison Download (Duration: 2:02 — 952.2KB)Most high schools hope to turn out classes of top notch students. This school consistently produces a new crop of…