Category: American Countryside
Expensive Wallpaper Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)I recently had a lady suggest that I should wallpaper one of the rooms in my home. In fact, she…
A Trip to St. Joseph, Missouri’s Millionaires Row Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)A few years ago, a trip down Hall Street in St. Joseph, Missouri might have been depressing, with old homes…
Life Saving Milk Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)It’s a story hard to believe, yet it is true. Four milk cows made a trip all the way to…
A Journey of Cows to Antartica Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Today I’ll take you on a journey to milk cows in Antarctica. It’s not a fictional trip. In fact, it’s…
From Hand to Mechanical Milking Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)A century ago many farmers still went to the barn to milk their cows by hand. It was the way…
A Woman and Her Gun Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Osa Johnson was certainly not an imposing figure, but give her a gun and she could drop some of the…
Christmas at The Chateau
Some homeowners may decide to open their doors to guests and create a bed and breakfast. This owner did so. Her residence not only has…
Life-Saving Milk
It’s a story hard to believe, yet it is true. Four milk cows made a trip all the way to Antarctica where they were credited…
Home of the Safari Museum Download (Duration: 3:02 — 2.1MB)Many towns have a museum of local history, but why is Chanute, Kansas home to the Safari Museum? It may…
A Famous Building and Battle Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)It’s one of the most famous buildings at the center of one of the most famous battles in history. A…
The Famous Ones from the Alamo Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)James Bowie and William Barrett Travis are two of the famous names to defend the Alamo. Perhaps the most well…
The Mission San Antonio de Valero Download (Duration: 2:59 — 2.1MB)Today we head to Mission San Antonio de Valero. Most people believe they have never heard of the place…but it’s…
What Was the Greatest Thing Before Sliced Bread? Download (Duration: 2:59 — 2.1MB)We like to think out program is the greatest thing since sliced bread…but if not…perhaps we can accomplish the next…
One Man Who Affected Your Life Download (Duration: 2:59 — 2.1MB)What do hamburgers, pants, passports and eyeglasses all have in common? One man. The story of one man who affected…
An Empire from Korea to Eastern Europe Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)His empire would eventually stretch from Korea to Eastern Europe. He was the mightiest ruler of his day and perhaps…
Supply, Demand, and a Devastating Disease Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)On the surface it’s simply a story of supply and demand. However, the story is one that is affecting millions…
Asian Swine Flu and Its Affect on the Economy Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)You may have heard about this disease in the news, but you may not know the impact it is having…
The Mayflower II Download (Duration: 3:01 — 2.1MB)The original Mayflower that sailed with 102 Pilgrims back in 1620 is long gone. But another ship by the same…
The Accidental Landing in Plymouth Download (Duration: 3:01 — 2.1MB)Today we associate the Pilgrims with the town of Plymouth, Massachusetts. However, the landing spot was a bit accidental. This…
A Ship Synonymous with Thanksgiving Download (Duration: 3:01 — 2.1MB)It just happened to be a ship that was available to sail, but the ship that was chosen is still…