Author: Tom
An Ongoing Story for Over Three Decades Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Turn south from Exit 72 on Interstate 94 in North Dakota and you’ll begin to encounter some very creative sites. …
The Johnstown Flood Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)It was an American disaster that was hard to imagine. A giant flood and an immense fire were destroying a…
A Wall of Water Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)It was a story of miraculous heroism among a story of deep tragedy. A a wall of water cut loose…
Problems with 51 Inches of Rain
One of the Worst Disasters in American History Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)It was one of the worst disasters in American history…the break of the south fork dam that created the great…
The Treasure in the Back of the Museum Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Over many years of travels I’ve found that the back of a museum can hold many unexpected treasures. You just…
The Arlington Ladies Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)On Memorial Day we remember our loved ones, but these ladies recognize our fallen soldiers every day of the year. …
A Point On the Globe Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)The state of Montana is a long way from Scotland. However a trip to this town will perhaps make you…
A Native American Teepee Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Many people associate Native American tribes from the Plains with a teepee. That may be an accurate description but depends…
Ismay, Montana and a Hall of Fame Quarterback Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)You’ll need to drive on six miles of gravel roads from the highway to get to the tiny town of…
Changing the Name of a Town Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Would you ever consider changing your name? What if someone was offering you a prize to change it to a…
The Thief at Thief River Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)If you visit Thief River Falls, you may ask, who or what is the “thief” behind this river and this…
The Most Norwegian Place Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Some towns are known for having a large number of ancestors from a specific country. That is the case for…
A Thank You to a Minnesota Officer from World War II Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Every May 8th, a wreath is laid on the grave of this Lt. Coronel at Arlington National Cemetery. It’s a…
Troops That Could Blend In Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)When World War II began, the U.S. military began to recruit troops for special missions they believed might be necessarily…
Newberry Volcano Monument Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)In central Oregon you’ll find a cave tour that is quite popular. In fact, you’ll most likely need a reservation…
A Vast Volcanic Field Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)South of Bend, Oregon you’ll find a vast volcanic field. It’s a place with a wide variety of geological features…
Stand By Me Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)The movie Stand By Me is considered a classic by many. It’s a film that is still quite popular with…
The Oregon Trail Wagon Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Thousands of people traveled the Oregon Trail as pioneers headed west and almost all of them made the trip in…
Climbing Mount Hood Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Very few people climb Mt. Everest, but there’s just something about the experience of climbing a really tall mountain. Perhaps…