Category: American Countryside
Kids Flying Above the Ground Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Many people say that kids need to be more active. And, if you want a kid to excel in sports…
A Different Purpose for the Doghouse Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Kids can sometimes come up with fantastic and perhaps, unwise stunts to pass their time around home. Such was the…
A Perfect Place for Snow Sports Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Depending on where you live in the nation, certain sports may be more popular than others. When you live in…
Moving a Fort to a Better Location Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Forts are often built to defend a military position. But when your fort is not in the best location for…
An Innocent Game of Lacrosse Download (Duration: 2:59 — 2.1MB)It seemed like an innocent game of lacrosse. A group of men invited locals to come watch what was billed…
A Strategic Fort Location Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Today it is a well-known summer vacation spot. Turn back the clock about three centuries and people would have known…
A Grand Mansion For the Family Download (Duration: 2:59 — 2.0MB)In the days just ahead of the Civil War, one prominent young lady in New Madrid, Missouri built a grand…
The Wishbone Studios Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Directly across the street from the airport in Muscle Shoals, Alabama you’ll find a simple square building with some cabins…
One of Those Names Behind the Big Names Download (Duration: 2:59 — 2.0MB)His name is Billy Lawson…and if the name sounds familiar…well, you’ve certainly heard his work. He’s one of those names…
Meeting Someone Famous Download (Duration: 3:01 — 2.1MB)Did you ever meet someone famous? Did you immediately recognize them, or did someone have to nudge you and point…
Just Right For the Radio Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)We all listen to music, but we often don’t give much thought to where that music was recorded and the…
A Big Deal in the Music World Download (Duration: 2:59 — 2.1MB)You’ve perhaps heard of Muscle Shoals, Alabama, but maybe you don’t know just how big a deal this place is…
A Who’s Who Kind of Cemetery Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Not just anyone gets to buried at Arlington National Cemetery. The same holds true for this little cemetery down some…
A Special Cemetery Download (Duration: 3:02 — 2.1MB)It looks like many cemeteries in the U.S. There are grave markers and flowers surrounding by many trees. But this…
The City That Was Last Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)This is a city that was last. And in this case, being last isn’t all that bad, for what came…
The Grandest of Homes in the Most Remote of Towns Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)It was the grandest of homes in one of the most remote towns in America. But there’s a good reason…
An Unusual Town Name Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)It’s one of the more unusual town names in the nation and it has an equally interesting history to boot. …
The Most-Studied First Lady Download (Duration: 3:01 — 2.1MB)She may well be the most studied first lady in American history. A highly educated young woman that road the…
A Situation All Too Familiar to the President Himself Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)During the Civil War many families were split over the issue of slavery. In some cases, brothers fought against each…
When Opposites Attract Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)They might seem to be opposites. A rural, self-educated farm boy and a formally educated, French speaking young lady. But…