Category: American Countryside
A Once-In-A-Lifetime Event Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)The last time this event took place in the continental United States was 1979. Now, thirty-eight years later, it’s back…
The George Washington Carver Museum Download (Duration: 2:59 — 2.0MB)There’s a good chance you’ve never heard of Garret Morgan, but you’ve been impacted by his inventions. But incredibly, there…
Two Doors To the Same Building Download (Duration: 2:59 — 2.1MB)When I went to this building to do today’s feature, I was a little confused. There were two front doors…
Taking School To the Students Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)In the days when it was difficult for some to come to school, the school went to the students. And…
A Two Story Outhouse Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)You may be tempted to believe this small building in central Illinois is just a gimmick devised for people to…
The Little Jail Download (Duration: 2:57 — 2.0MB)The need for maximum security prisons is an unfortunate reality of life. On the other end of the spectrum is…
The Spruce Goose Download (Duration: 2:59 — 2.0MB)This plane made but one flight – a trip that lasted about one mile just a few yards off of…
Buying Land With a Catch Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)All Shawna’s father wanted was a five acre patch of land to access the Colorado River. He soon learned that…
Hiring Women to Populate a Town Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)The proposal had to sound ridiculous to just about everyone who heard it, save the men who sprang the idea. …
The El Dorado Mine Download (Duration: 2:59 — 2.0MB)This canyon was once a bustling place full of men looking to make big money in the gold mines. The…
An Unusual White Rock Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)A place can be deceiving. That was exactly the case here in what is today’s desert south of Las Vegas….
Seaman’s Bethel Download (Duration: 2:59 — 2.0MB)You’ll find many churches in New Bedford, Massachusetts, but you’ll have to look far and wide to find one with…
A Ship Called Dartmouth Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)The ship’s name was the Dartmouth. When it took a cargo of whale oil to England no one perhaps thought…
How Things Change Download (Duration: 2:59 — 2.0MB)Did you ever leave home for a while, then return and find that lots had changed? That was commonplace in…
A Nantucket Sleigh Ride Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)It’s called a Nantucket sleigh ride. Sounds like a nice winter ride, but it’s actually far from a peaceful dash…
A Cash Crop Not Grown in Soil Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)If you made good revenue from a field you might call it your “cash crop.” Here the cash crop doesn’t…
The Postville Courthouse Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Americans regard him as one of their most beloved presidents…a man that pulled a nation together as civil war tore…
Going Inside Petra Download (Duration: 2:59 — 2.1MB)If you were ever fascinated in the adventures of Harrison Ford playing Indiana Jones, then you have definitely seen this…
A Place for Anyone to Swim Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)It’s estimated that about 40% of American do not know how to swim. Today I’ll take you to a place…
A Christian Named Osama Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Today we interview a gentlemen named Osama. He laughs because that name may bring certain images to mind for an…