Category: American Countryside
The Evolution of Dance Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)It all began in 2001 with a two minute dance routine tacked onto the end of a speaking performance. It’s…
Major General Arnold Fields Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)Major General Arnold Fields spent 34 years in the Marines. He attributes much of his success to an organization known…
A Museum with an Outhouse Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)This is an intriguing hands-on museum–especially when you consider it has an outhouse standing in the middle of it…..
The Paper Discovery Center Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)Green Bay may be known for the Packers, but the area is also known for its paper mills. You may…
A Lettuce Tour Ticket Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)What’s the hottest ticket in the nation? There might be some music stars and sporting events near the top of…
Agriculture in Yuma, Arizona Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)This county enjoys the longest growing season in the country and it supplies most of the winter vegetables you’ll find…
Drew Hastings Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)There are many ways you can make a living on the farm, including finding the humor in it. That’s what…
The Statues of Easter Island Download (Duration: 2:00 — 940.8KB)For centuries these giant stone carvings have stood watch over an isolated outpost in the Pacific. They are the moi…
A Thousand Miles Away Download (Duration: 2:01 — 1.8MB)Imagine a living in a place where your nearest neighbors resided over 1000 miles away. That’s real life for the…
Growing Seed for North America Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)While American fields lie dormant each winter, the seed that will be planted the coming spring is often already growing…
Seed from Chile Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)Last planting season as I poured a bag of corn in our planter, I noticed the seed originated in Chile….
Menno Attema Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)Imagine growing up on a farm and then in your early twenties traveling on your own a half a world…
The Women’s Astronaut Program Download (Duration: 2:01 — 1.8MB)In the early 1980’s, the United States put its first woman into space, a full two decades after space travel…
The Mercury Training Program for Women Download (Duration: 2:00 — 1.8MB)The first man in space? The first man to orbit the earth? The first man to walk on the moon?…
William Quantrill Download (Duration: 2:00 — 1.8MB)Mention the name William Quantrill in Kansas or Missouri, and you’re likely to get stories of Quantrill’s Raiders sweeping into…
A Farmer’s Market in the North Download (Duration: 2:02 — 952.9KB)When you think of fertile farmland, you probably think about rich, deep soil in the heart of the Midwest. But…
Salem, Illionois’ Library Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)In Salem, Illinois you’ll find a library named for a man who never set foot in this town. He simply…
The Official FFA Jacket Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)A doctor is expected to wear a white coat. A policeman is supposed to have a badge. A cowboy, of…
Free Range Chickens Download (Duration: 2:00 — 1.8MB)When Herman’s son brought home an antiquated animal production book that he happen to find in his high school ag…
William Jenning Bryan Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)ver a century has passed since this man ran for president three times. While he never held the oval office,…