Category: American Countryside
A Pasture for a Battleground Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)It was once known as just a giant pasture, but today it’s also the site of an important battle in…
Grilling the Gobbler Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)Thanksgiving is the time most Americans talk turkey, but Sheerleen Clausen hopes to change that they’ll think of turkey every…
70 Truckloads of Butter a Day Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)We all know Santa’s elves must work year round to meet toy demand at year’s end, but who knew this…
Butter from Wisconsin Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)Folks in the heart of dairy country know that this fourth generation business touches the diets of almost every American…..
Fort Mose Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)In the marshlands on the northern edge of one of America’s oldest city, you’ll find an amazing story of the…
Slaves Escaping to the South Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)Long before there was an American Civil War waged over the issue of slavery, there was the struggle for slaves…
Defending Animal Agriculture Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)When you hear of the Triple A you probably think of an automobile club, but in the world of agriculture…
Rock Star of the Soybean World Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)He’s a rock star in the farming world, producing number one hits every single year and fans flock to hear…
Taking Advantage of Fast Moving Grain Prices Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)Grain markets are experiencing a time of high volatility. That holds promise and caution for both consumers and producers. So…
The Portage at Portage Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)It is still revered as one of the most difficult canal building projects ever undertaken–a project to tame a rapidly…
Mistaking Wisconsin for China Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)Wisconsin and China are nearly a half a world from each other on the globe. So, it?s hard to imagine…
Your Face on the Side of a Semi Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)Each of the communities that we call home can claim outstanding individuals who go the extra mile when it comes…
A Helpful Smile in Every Aisle Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)Image a man who speaks over ten languages, can play multiple musical instruments and serenade customers with his wonderful voice….
Service With A Smile Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)As many of you know, I travel to many parts of the nation to speak to a variety of groups….
Saugus Iron Works Download (Duration: 2:00 — 939.8KB)It is a factory that began operation over a century before England’s colonies became the United State of America. We…
The Battle of Cedar Creek Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)There are nearly 400 national park sites in the United States. Today we visit one of the newest in the…
Burning the Fields Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)Farmer’s crops can fall prey to the elements of mother nature. Heat, hail, wind and much more can destroy a…
Belle Grove Plantation Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)Our history books tell us the south had many slave holding plantations in the years leading up to the Civil…
Election Day 2010 Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)Today we may not think much about the way we vote, unless a close contest causes us to have to…
What’s behind the “Spook” Light? Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)People like to have answers, and perhaps that’s what makes this phenomena so interesting. There seems to be no explaining…