Category: Colorado
Mineral Springs Unique from the Rest Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)When the first farmers and ranchers began to settle this part of north central Colorado, they found a mineral spring…
Breakfast in the Cemetery Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)If you happen to drive by the cemetery in Gypsum, Colorado on April 8th, you may find several people serving…
A Man Named Charley Peterson Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Near Gypsum, Colorado you can still find a small cabin that was the home of a farmer named Charley Peterson. …
Eagle County, Colorado’s Agriculture History Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)When mining didn’t pan out, many here turned to ranching and then to farming. And when it came to growing…
Fort Morgan, Colorado Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)This area of northeastern Colorado has long been an important place for farming. The way it developed was a bit…
The Fort Morgan, Colorado Museum Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)The initial route of the Oregon Trail followed the North Platte River, but over time, some decided to follow the…
The Julesburg, Colorado Dragstrip Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)In Julesburg, Colorado you’ll find a small airstrip that has been in use for many decades. But this is much…
Julesburg, Colorado Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Many of our towns have a namesake and that is the case for Julesburg, Colorado. But, the “Jules” in Julesburg…
An Important Point on Many Westward Trails Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)The town of Julesburg, Colorado has been an important point on many trails leading west. But it’s history is one…
Colorado Springs Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Today we may rely on the latest advancements in science and medicine to help cure disease. Of course, in the…
James’ Peak Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)You’ve perhaps never heard of James’ Peak. It’s more accurate to say you’ve heard of the mountain, but you simply…
A Discovered Peak Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)As Lewis and Clark headed west and north in 1803 to explore the newly acquire Louisiana Purchase, another explorer headed…
Comic Books of the Day Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Comic books tell the story of larger than life characters. In the mid 1800s, the comic books of the days…
Getting to Know Kit Carson Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Sometimes it’s not what you know but who you know. In Kit Carson’s case, it was both that made him…
Stories of Traveling West Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)This well-known frontiersman loved to hear the stories of those traveling west. One day, he decided it was time to…
Promoting Milk Before “Got Milk?” Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)Before there was a Got Milk slogan, some dairymen used an amendment to the constitution to help keep their product…
A Political Party That Survives Today Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)You may have thought this political party died when this became legal again back in the 1930s. You’ll be intrigued…
Rescue at Sea Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)When Japan surrendered to the U.S, Americans rejoiced to know that the conflict was coming to an end. Buried in…
The Story of Survival – USS Indianapolis Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)We’ve shared many stories of veterans on this show over the years. All are important stories, yet this one stands…
Top Secret Cargo Destined for Japan Download (Duration: 3:00 — 2.1MB)As August of 1945 neared, one ship took a top secret cargo across the Pacific. But for the men of…