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Posted in American Countryside Oklahoma Podcast

Stockyards City, Oklahoma Download (Duration: 3:00 — 1.4MB)You might go to a fancy clothing store to get measured for a suit.  But where do you go to…

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Posted in American Countryside Oklahoma Podcast

The Cattlemen’s Cafe Download (Duration: 3:00 — 1.4MB)Why are nurses on the night shift eating breakfast in the Oklahoma City Stockyards?  Here’s a place popular for breakfast…

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Posted in American Countryside Oklahoma Podcast

The Banjo Museum Download (Duration: 3:00 — 1.4MB)When I was in fifth grade I wanted to play the trumpet.  My parents scratched together $300 for a used…

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Posted in American Countryside Oklahoma Podcast

Duelling Banjos Download (Duration: 3:00 — 1.4MB)You’ve heard of dueling banjos–now multiply it times several hundred.  It’s a unique convention of sights and sounds that arrives…

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Posted in American Countryside Best of Utah

Kennecott Copper Mine Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)It’s the largest open pit mine in the world, with a hole so deep it swallowed entire towns.  The mine…

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Posted in American Countryside Missouri Podcast Saint Joseph

Jowler Creek Winery Download (Duration: 3:00 — 1.4MB)Most crops in the Midwest are planted in the spring and harvested in the fall.  The farmer’s investment is mostly…

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Posted in American Countryside Missouri Podcast Saint Joseph

Growing Grapes Download (Duration: 3:00 — 1.4MB)What led this beef and row crop farmer to begin growing grapes?  The answer is a good one, but it…

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Posted in American Countryside New York Podcast

A Reward for Remaining Loyal to the King Download (Duration: 2:30 — 1.1MB)When America won her independence, there were thousands of men and women who remained loyal to England during the war….

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Posted in American Countryside New York Podcast

Signing the Declaration of Dependence Download (Duration: 2:30 — 1.1MB)Fifty-six men signed the Declaration of Independence in July of 1776, but not everyone was pleased with the patriotic document….

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Posted in American Countryside New York Podcast

A Woman Ship’s Captain of the 1600’s Download (Duration: 2:30 — 1.1MB)It’s rare to find a young married lady commanding a ship, crisscrossing the Atlantic multiple times each year. Now imagine…

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Posted in American Countryside Pennsylvania Podcast

The Liberty Bell Download (Duration: 2:30 — 1.1MB)July 4th, 1776…Indpendence Day in the United States.  One of the symbols of our freedom is the Liberty Bell.  But…

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Posted in American Countryside Illinois Podcast Presidents

Springfield, Illinois: New Salem Village Download (Duration: 2:30 — 1.1MB)Where was Abraham Lincoln living when he won his first political office?  You may have forgotten that it was this…

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Posted in American Countryside Illinois Podcast Presidents

Springfield, Illinois: Lincoln’s Tomb Download (Duration: 2:30 — 1.1MB)Arlington National Cemetery is the most visited cemetery is the nation.  Which one ranks second?  Well, a stop here honors…

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Posted in American Countryside food Illinois Podcast

Springfield, Illinois: The Cozy Dog Download (Duration: 2:30 — 1.1MB)Route 66 is full of pieces of Americana, and in Central Illinois you’ll find a drive-in over 65 years old,…

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Posted in American Countryside Illinois Podcast Presidents

Springfield, Illinois: History Comes Alive Download (Duration: 2:31 — 1.2MB)It’s been 150 years since Abraham Lincoln was President, but you can still visit with him and get his thoughts…

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Posted in American Countryside Illinois Podcast Presidents

Springfield, Illinois: A Presidential Museum Download (Duration: 2:31 — 1.1MB)This week we’re in Springfield, Illinois–of course any stop here likely includes the Abraham Lincoln presidential library.  It’s a place…

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Posted in American Countryside Arizona Podcast

Learning to Ride A… Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)Many of us remember the struggle of learning to ride a bike as a kid.  Eventually we mastered it, and…

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Posted in American Countryside Best of Ohio Podcast

Shopping at Lehman’s Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)If you lived without electricity–either by choice or simply because of the location you lived–where would you go to find…

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Posted in American Countryside Best of Ohio Podcast

Niche Marketing at Its Best Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)If you’re going to do well in business you have to stay up with the times. But for Jay Lehman,…

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Posted in American Countryside Best of Ohio Podcast

Perfecting an Airplane Download (Duration: 2:00 — 938.2KB)The Wright Brothers made their first flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.  However, it was the farmers around Dayton, Ohio…

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